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Detailed plan for may weekend
- Read: 20,417 / Articles, Travel , Featured / SPEND A MAY WEEKEND IN TRANSCARPATHIA : Part 2 : DESTINATIONS
We continue the story of Transcarpathia! This is second part of the article devoted to the trip on May weekend to the Transcarpathia.
You will learn about what the is Transcarpathia and learn what really is worth seeing in this beautiful and unusual part of Ukraine.
If you are looking for something similar, check RELATED ENTRIES at the end of this article.
CATEGORY OF ARTICLE: Articles, Travel , Featured April 13, 2011, 13:00
Outline historical, geographical , cultural , ethnic and political :
Transcarpathia is a unique and interesting region of Ukraine. It has a very complicated history and the history of the centuries. It was, is and will be a region in question – squeezed between Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine. Each of these States is interested in this area and considers Transcarpathia as its native region. Through Ukraine's Carpathian ran one thousand political boundaries, tens of hundreds of divisions and wars.
Transcarpathia belonged in the past to: Kievan Rus and the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia, to the Kingdom of Hungary, Siedmiogrodu (Transylvania), The Czechoslovak Republic, West Ukrainian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Ukraine.
There was a time when Transcarpathia proclaimed its independence as Transcarpathian Ruthenia – sovereign State, which functioned for a short period.
Currently in its entirety Transcarpathia Transcarpathian (Zakarpatska) Oblast occupies – isolated from the rest of Ukraine with the Carpathian Mountains – has a characteristic distinct culture and is dialect-specific. Transcarpathian (Zakarpatska) Oblast (ukr. Закарпатська область) – one 24 regions, lies in the western part of Ukraine, in the historic Transcarpathia. As the name suggests, is the only part lying of Ukraine on the south side of the Carpathians. As about population and ethnic – Transcarpathian Oblast is a multinational, multicultural and multi-faith. Among its population are Ukrainians 80,5%, Hungarians – 12,1%, Romanians – 2,6%, Russians – 2,5%, Gypsies – 1,1%, Slovaks – 0,5%, Germans – 0,3% !
What worth see on Transcarpathia ? Where worth go ? Where to be?
Uzhgorod (ukr. Uzhgorod, węg. Ungvár) – (48°37′ 31 ” N, 22° 18′ 00” E), former headquarters of the authority of Ung (Lat. comitatus Unghvariensis), Situated on the river Uzh (ukr. Уж). It has the following historical monuments: Uzhgorod Castle - the first elements (wooden fortress) already established in the ninth century - the current appearance of the late Renaissance and Baroque, historic center of Uzhgorod and town Hall, old buildings, wązkimi streets and along the boulevard by the river Uzh, as well as historic churches: Catholic, Greek-Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish Synagogue (Transcarpathian Opera House today). The city has also a museum of folk architecture - Skansen. Numerous architectural monuments are located in different parts of this beautiful, European city.
- Mukaczewo (ukr. Мукачеве, węg. Munkács) – (48° 26′ 29 ” N, 22° 42′ 49” E). Is a regional city, located on Latorica. This is an important transport and administrative hub Transcarpathia. It has the following historical monuments: castle towering over the city Palanka – builded on the orders of King Bela IV of Hungary in the thirteenth century, Gothic Chapel. St. Martin of the fourteenth century, Rakoczych white palace from the mid-seventeenth century, building arsenal from the seventeenth century, Orthodox Cathedral and the nunnery church. St. Nicholas, shingled wooden church moved from the countryside Shelestove, The original City Hall and old houses. The city is situated among the hills planted with vines.
- Castle Palanka (Ukr. Замок Паланок, węg. Palánkai vár / Munkácsi vár ) – (48° 26 ' 43 "N, 22° 43 ' 2 "E), castle in Mukachevo (ukr. Мукачеве), in the Zakarpattia Oblast. The old fortress of the reign of Hungarian king Bela IV. Founded in the 13th century. Today it houses a museum.
- Castle in the village Nevycke (ukr. Невицьке, węg. Nevicke) – (48° 40 ' 33 "N, 22° 23 ' 33 "E), in the Zakarpattia Oblast. Location also mentioned in Hungary as a “Nevicke” and in Romania as “Neviţche”. Wooden castle built in the twelfth century, commissioned by the local lord of the family Drugets. It was destroyed after the invasion of army of Transylvania. At the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth century on the site of the old wooden castle is built new, stone castle. It served as guard at the border of the Kingdom of Hungary in the former county Ung. Because of the frequent conflicts it often changed owners, XVII and was finally conquered and destroyed by the Transylvanian army. From that point castle remains in the form of secured ruins.
- Berehowe (ukr. Берегове, węg. Beregszász) – (48° 12 ' 9″ N, 22° 38 ' 15 "E), city in the western part of the Zakarpatiia region, on river Verk, about 70 from Użhorodu. In the town there are mineral and thermal waters! There are numerous medicinal institutions and spas - swimming places and swimming pools operate, powered by thermal water with high mineral content. Info: in 2004 year in town lived 26 k. Population - 48% were Hungarians - a very large diaspora! Berehove is the most important Hungarian cultural center in Transcarpathia – at the beginning of 90. of twentieth century it was proposed to become the Hungarian capital of the autonomous district. City "Lamperthaza" was founded by Prince Lambert, son of King Bela I of Hungary. During the Tatar invasion, the city was destroyed. Saxon settlers rebuilt the city and called it Bereg Saxon - a royal free city. The first time the name Beregshash appears in 1504 year. Monuments are Berehove: historic center with old houses, the family Bethlen's palace of the seventeenth century, Roman Catholic church from the twelfth century and the building of the Palace Justice.
- Uzhansky National Park (ukr. Uzhansky National Park), (49° 1 ' 24 "N, 22° 36 ' 0.3″ (E)), region Velyko-Berezhansky. At the present site of the Park yet in 1908 the authorities of Austria-Hungary, set up reserves Stuzhycia and Tyha. In September 1999 year under the Regulation of President of Ukraine Uzhansky National Park was established. At present Park consists of five research institutes set up to implement conservation of Nature. Its area is 39 159 ha, of which 14,9 k. hectares of land are expropriated. Uzhansky National Park is part of the UNESCO International Biosphere Reserve "Eastern Carpathians".
- National Park "Synevyr” (ukr. Національний природний парк „Синевир”) – (48° 30 ' 5 "N, 23° 42 ' 50 "E), in the region Mizhgirsky (ukr. Міжгірський район). In 1989 year under the Regulation of the Government of Ukraine the National Park "Synevyr" was established . The park area is – 40 400 ha, of which – 5 807 ha nature reserves. In the center of the park the lake Synevyr is located - "Sea Eye"!
- Mountains: Transcarpathia is situated within the northeastern section of the great arc of the Carpathians. In the north of the region border, they delimit watershed ridges of the Eastern Bieszczady, Gorgan i Charnohora. To the south of the main ridge lying parallel chains (strips): mountain valley Rivna, mountain valley Borzhava, mountain valley Krasna and Swidovec. To the south of the Carpathian flysch chains in the Transcarpathian lie volcanic strips : Makovyci, Buzhory and Tupego - occur in the area thermal waters. Transcarpathian area is most seismically active of Ukraine – Seismic bonfires are located in neighboring Romania!! In the back of Charnohora is the highest mountain of Ukraine - Hoverla (2061 m npm). All communication Transcarpathian region of the lands north of the Carpathians, done for centuries through the passes, tunnels and viaducts. Currently, forests cover almost the entire mountain area of Transcarpathia! About three quarters of the surface region! Peak lots are the highest mountains – poloniny.
- Viaducts and railway tunnels – located on the railway line leading from Lviv through Uzhgorod to Budapest. Transversal part of the Galician Railways, built for defense purposes at the request of Emperor Franz Joseph I Habsburg. Is considered one of the most picturesque in Europe. Unique views, Carpathians, Uzhocky Pass , valleys, rivers … „beauty extract”! When you buy a ticket for local train from Uzhgorod to Lviv: through Turka, Staryy Sambor and Sambor. It is worth the ride - pictures will be perfect!!
- Hoverla (ukr. Говерла, rom.. hovirla – “difficult to pass”) – (48° 10′ 12 ” N, 24° 34′ 12” E). Top 2061 mnpm. - Ukraine's highest peak. Located in the Chornohora strip, in Eastern Beskydy. Hoverla is a frequent target for tourist's trips. The most popular trail leads from the tourist base in Zaroslak, which was founded in 1881 year on place of mountain shelter.
- Uzhocky Pass (ukr. Ужоцький перевал) – (49° 0 ' 13 "N, 22° 53 ' 17 "E) - Height 853 mnpm. – some Ukrainian sources say 889 m npm. ! On the north side of the pass are the source of the river San, and the south of the river Uzh. Uzhocky Pass separates the Western Bieszczady (Polish) from Eastern (Ukrainian). There is no crossing of the Polish-Ukrainian border - the border crossing is prohibited.
- Valley of Narcissi (ukr. долина нарцисів) – (48° 10 ' 42 "N, 23° 20 ' 59 "E), Khust district (ukr. Хустський район). Unique on a global scale is a Valley at a height of 160 mnpm, which is completely overgrown colony of narcissus (angustifolia narcyza). In the spring the entire field / valley is covered with flowers - in the air is sweet smell of flowers. Object (settlement) is under the protection of the Ukrainian State - is a nature reserve "Valley of Narcissi" (ukr. „долина нарцисів”) - UNESCO Biosphere Reserve ! To see and admire the beauty of this place !!
- Lake Sinevir (ukr. Озеро Синевир) – (48° 36 ' w 59.86.6″ N, 23° 41 ' 0 "E). Also called Sea Eye! Located within the National Park "Synevir" (ukr. Національний природний парк „Синевир”), in the region Mizhgirsky (ukr. Міжгірський район). Is the result of landslides at the time of the earthquake - the largest lake in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Unique place – You have to be here!
- Picturesque river valleys: Uzh (ukr. Уж, węg. Ung) - Laborec supply, Laborec (ukr. Лаборець, węg. Laborcza),Latorica (ukr. Латориця węg. Latorca) -together with the Ondava connects to the River- Bodrog. Tysa (ukr. Тиса, węg. Tisza) - supply of the Danube, in Tokay in Hungary, combines with Bodrog. They are beautiful and scenic rivers, which have their source in Transcarpathia - here they are the cleanest, This is a paradise for lovers of fishing and bird watching!
- The picturesque vine plantations – scattered across Transcarpathia, as well as domestic wine, local production, which can be purchased in virtually every home and on the stalls at every major road route! Vine plantations of Transcarpathia, Ukrainian variant of plantations are in the Tokaj and Eger – industry have similar features and functions on a similar scale! All of this is due to unique, warm climate, and also Carpathians, which constitute a barrier to cold air from the north and east.
- Arboriculture – thanks to warm climate, well-developed fruit-growing in Transcarpathia. During the season, prices for fruits and vegetables in Transcarpathia, are much lower than in the rest of Ukraine – of course, with the exception of Crimea!
- Mineral waters: resort Svalyava (ukr. Свалява, węg. Szolyva) – ( 48° 33 ' 4 "N, 23° 0 ' 34 "E), zakarpackim circuit city located on rivers and Swalawka Latorica. The etymology of the name comes from the period Svalyava, when settlement on which area there was salt, belonged to the historical land of Maramures treated as part of Transylvania. Large quantities of salt were transported away , and the word Svalyava is derived from the Slavic core "salt" - Zolva / Зольва, Solava / Солява, Solva / Сольва. There are numerous sources of mineral water for drinking and bathing. These are the brine water, sodium, potassium, chloride with a high mineralogical level. There are also water-type "Borjomi" / „Боржомі”. The healing properties of these waters were known to local people in the Middle Ages. Mineral waters from the surrounding of Svalyava are known all over Ukraine. They are bottled and distributed throughout the country under the names: „Svalyava”, "Polana Kvasova" and "Luzhanska". In the vicinity of the city Berehowe (ukr. Берегове, węg. Beregszász) – (48° 12 ' 9″ N, 22° 38 ' 15 "E), there are also mineral waters – primarily treating cardiovascular ailments, respiratory, cardiovascular and skin diseases. Occur together with the thermal waters - there were founded numerous hydrotherapy facilities, spas and swimming pools!
- Thermal waters: in the vicinity of the city Berehowe (ukr. Берегове, węg. Beregszász) – (48° 12 ' 9″ N, 22° 38 ' 15 "E) – operate swimming pools, powered by thermal water!
- Nationalities, ethnic groups, and ethnographic: Transcarpathia is inhabited by numerous national and ethnic groups. Here lives next to each other Slavic people, Finno-Ugrics and the Balkans: Hungarians, Slovaks, Romanians, Ukrainians, Croats, Russians, Poles, Roms and others. Here you can find located next to each other villages of Slovaks, Hungarians and Romanians! The ethnic balance intact and conflict-free existence. They believe in different Christian churches, both the Eastern Rite and Western. Inhabit the area such ethnic and ethnographic groups: Huculy, Boyko, Lemkos and Roma. It is beautiful and diverse region – do not waste time, feel the power of diversity of cultures and traditions!
SO, DEAR READERS – Explore the beauty of the Ukrainian Transcarpathian !!!
Do you have any questions or suggestions ?
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Yuri wrote,
March 12, 2012 , 08:40
Dear Danuta and Charles!
Very curious podzóżowania mode trailer! Also I intend to ever try;)
the bicycles certainly cool travel after these ślicznych places.
do you have a secure space for auto with trailer… hmm usualy there a parking place at the hotel or Guest House, best secure.
It is difficult to advise something here, mainly unless have the sense and not be obvious. If the trailer is in ludnym place where everything has to be in the order of.
I would like to learn more about your travels, I think that przeżywacie many exciting!
I propose to write several stories about his travels in the form of relationship. It will be very interesting!
Yours sincerely!
Stefcio wrote/MiG,
April 12, 2012 , 20:02
Thanks for such an interesting description of the surroundings. I have a huge “pressure” to take this trail. Up afraid of itself. My thoughts and perceptions is ahead of possible eskapadę.
Congratulations description, idea.
Yuri wrote,
April 16, 2012 , 10:05
It is worth to go in this area at least once! tymbardziej, that we managed to describe only most important places, after them the Districts there is a lot to see you. Personally I like barzo go Transcarpathia, looks always otherwise, at any time of the year otherwise!
As far as possible, we encourage you to document her journey, rozmieścimy sure to report!
Enjoy your travel, necessarily to have written its narrative weather!
danutaikarol wrote/MiG,
April 23, 2012 , 19:49
Dear Yuri.
If you are interested in our earlier travels to Ukraine and Romania, you are encouraged to odezwania on our e-mail address ( All our past wojaże opisywaliśmy in the form of articles for newspapers in both nature tourism and local.
Kindest Regards,
Yuri wrote,
May 31, 2012 , 11:46
Hello! Looking forward to stories and soon our readers will be able to read about them!

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