ERROR FOUND?! This is a translation from Polish. May be inaccurate. Contact, You can help!


summary SUMMARY

What you can carry without problems by the boundary of Ukraine? This question is examined before you travel to Ukraine. Przebadaliśmy official documents and we give you treściwą the answer to this question. generaly publicans Ukraine

If you are looking for something similar, check RELATED ENTRIES at the end of this article.

CATEGORY OF ARTICLE: Articles, Other , Featured July 07 10, 2012, 11:24


Please note, that for the last years are held constant change, Additional Act to the Tax Code.

According to the codes and laws of Ukraine by Ukrainian border can be transported without charge customs duties and other taxes (for one person):

1. Food for personal use for a total value of 200Euro, While every article can not be more than 2 kg, or one indivisible package.
2. Personal effects. Regulations as to what belongs to the personal belongings are separate theme. This is, inter alia, laptop, camera, phone, clothes, cosmetics. All in 1 not large quantities.. Food for personal use for a total value of 200Euro, While every article can not be more than 2 kg, or one indivisible package.

3. The total amount of goods 500Euro ( weight less than 50 kg). shipments to 150euro. If the total value of the border then air 1000 euro.

4. Alcohol. 5 litres of beer, 2 litres of wine, 1 litres of strong drinks (>22%). Cigarettes : 40 cigarettes ( not packages) or not more than 250 grams. If the person who imports a was outside the boundaries of Ukraine less than 24 hours, When asked about the levy of duty.

5. Animals. Needed are all vaccination and documents.

6. Cars. In accordance with the new code. This is the date the whole year for foreigners. However, at the border to uszczególnić during the entry.



Issues of the transport of goods through the territory of customs border of Ukraine shall be governed by such documents and laws:

– CUSTOMS CODE – Code Mytnyj (Кодекс Митний) – changes last made in June. (Ukrainian)

– Law of the quantities imported into the customs territory of Ukraine of foodstuffs. Постанова “Про обсяги та ввезення на громадянами територію митну України порядок харчових продуктів для власного споживання”. the Act of may 2012 year

– Article 376 about the import of alcoholic products and tobacco products, Importation to the customs territory of Ukraine by citizens of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products,

– Article 375 about the import of the animals, Import to the customs territory of Ukraine citizens pets,

– Article 374 about the import of the (przesyłaniu ) towarów , Умови ввезення (forwarding) citizens of the goods on the customs territory of Ukraine.

– Article 378 o ograniczeniach dla towarów wwiezienia przez granicę Ukrainy, Обмеження щодо ввезення громадянами товарів на митну територію України.


Być może coś zostało pominięte… w takim razie proszę o w komentarzach pisanie. Also, can someone from the country became not the pleasure of przcinając a border with Ukraine, can you help the Council, Please go ahead and write!





lilek wrote/bathrooms, November 26, 2012 , 11:33

Thank you very much for the useful information. For the holidays we choose for friends to Ukraine, who ask for the opportunity to bring the Polish dishwasher . Is this not prohibited ? Like the value and weight are in permitted range . Very much I look forward to the tip.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, November 26, 2012 , 11:53

    Hello! So it should be all right.
    According to the law absolutely you can do it.
    Only for what it's worth it on rogue employees transition care, they may wish for a compensation.
    Wieziecie gift, you have a paragon, and the sum is in the standard.
    Have a nice trip for the holidays!

komareiros wrote/bathrooms, December 15, 2012 , 17:43

Hi I bought an old car in Ukraine the year prod. 1951 without papers I wanted it przewiesc to Polish what I do.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, December 15, 2012 , 18:20

    Hello! an expert I'm not, but my guess is such, that in some way it auto has to be assessed as brucht or part. in the first place you should go to the Polish customs service, whether they will permit and under what conditions bring the car without papers. As another option you can try to carry this car as car parts, and in Poland, and so you will need to implement some kind of reservation.

    Please let us know later how you would solve this issue.

Teddy wrote/background, February 10, 2013 , 13:37

What is the cost of (the duty) bring your laptop to the value 6600 zl ? -Thank you in advance 🙂

    Yuriy Сhernets said, February 20, 2013 , 23:30

    Personally, I do not know. On the other hand, not necessarily be the duty if the unit is and;)

Adam wrote/bath, March 10, 2013 , 12:40

in the framework of the cross-border project put up in one of the cities in Ukraine 5 fine bike racks. As it is from entering this type of product in Ukraine? You have to pay duty or other charges? What documents to take to show at the border?
The value of these stands is 1200 zł, the weight of the 25 kg. We will take you to private car. Thank you in advance for your help.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, March 11, 2013 , 21:48

    Adam, 1200buy a small amount so how transportujecie it at least three people this fall was that under the normal limit on duty-free, I would, however, have confirmed the value of, and find out whether any restrictions there is no officially (on the common sense should not be). I would like to find out more, but I promise I do not want to, because I have recently for a little time to do it, by the way I'll remember.
    As for cross-border projects, I encourage you to contact, Maybe we cooperate, currently I am in Drohobych, and I have a friend in the City Council for international projects.

Eve wrote/bath, March 11, 2013 , 19:06

It looks like, that inadvertently had contraband. But the Crimean wine was worth it 😉

    Yuriy Сhernets said, March 11, 2013 , 21:50

    For your needs is no contraband;) Crimean wine and truth can be good. I like Inkerman, and you then what “przemyciła”

Eve wrote/bath, March 12, 2013 , 20:34

Hm, not “What” or rather “How much” 😉 They were mainly products of Massandra and Nowy Świat: Black Doctor, Colonel Red, Madera, Bely Muscat Krasnawa Stone (my favorite!), Pinot Gris, a pair of Ukrainian Cognac & sparkling wines. In Moldova we have included a few wines from Cricovej but, Fortunately for us, Moldavian celniczka said, that the wine is not alcohol. And this version is going to hold!

Konrado wrote/bath, March 25, 2013 , 10:46

Hello! I would like to ask how it is with shipping bagnetow or magayznkow, I heard, You can not upload them but the facts I can not determine. Thank you in advance for your help! 😉

    Yuriy Сhernets said, April 3, 2013 , 10:03

    Hi Konrado! Here you have to delve into the legal acts, the weapon is 100% restriction and it must be some kind of residence permit. Maybe someone had this experience?

Don wrote/bath, March 28, 2013 , 11:02

And what is the case with car sales in Ukraine? I know that you can sell golf or a Fiat in good money.What would I need to ride it safely across the border and back already something else.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, April 3, 2013 , 10:07

    Hello! No good money for an old golf on Polish it numbers only a fool would pay:) This car can be sold on parts, more good will not be. When it comes to those little better cars, these are some solutions.
    A long cross by car the old or new are the same.

OlaS wrote/bath, April 3, 2013 , 10:00

Hello, choose her husband and 2 children on the Crimea in early may, under the tent. We're going with a friend an Ukrainian. Whether the forecast at the beginning of may in the Crimea will actually encourage nocowaniu in the tent? Best regards!

    Yuriy Сhernets said, April 3, 2013 , 10:16

    Hello! a little question in topic article. However, as far as the Crimea in may, It is not warm, especially in this year will be quite chilly. I Was 2 years ago, When it's about a month later came the summer, I was at the end of may, This namotem was ok, but generally do not heat. However, it is to be in this period, because it is beautifully in the Crimea, Nice and easy! Best regards

OlaS wrote/bath, April 3, 2013 , 19:38

In fact, 🙂 the question is not in the topic of the article, but it occurred to me immediately after the, as I wondered, What to take with Polish food, and what a head does not turn. The article and the comments replied to my question here niepostawione.
In any case, thank you very much for your reply. Best regards

Janusz wrote/bath, April 9, 2013 , 10:25

Hello! Jade in the end of April to Ukraine, He wants to take, inter alia, used plasma TV is about 4 years as a gift for friends, but the longer I, How do you think, may be on the verge of something do not attach? I'll be with fiancee Polka and with a dog, together we live in Germany, and the auto will be on German metal materials. For any advice thanks. Best regards

Yuriy Сhernets said, April 9, 2013 , 11:08

Janusz Hi!
First, the hardware is used,
Secondly, the unit,
Thirdly, take two ( with a dog in a threesome – on the dog get all of the documents which is grafting!;)
You can be calm, how someone is going to cling exclusively for hire or reward. Why you need to quietly say no.

Janusz wrote/bath, April 9, 2013 , 13:05

Hello Yuri.
I was the last time in Ukraine 5 years ago, you know me is also, with humanly can also work everywhere, These few golden me no harm. Thank you very much for your reply. Of course, with zalatwiamy on the dog from the vet these confirmation, It is valid, no, and auto Dowjerenost also usually does it, because it is not registered on me. I think everything will be fine. At last we are with each other very closely related Peoples. I Cordially Greet

wacek wrote/bath, April 14, 2013 , 19:50

What formalities must be satisfied by wwieść new printer to Ukraine. It has to be preznt for preschool. Please fast odpowidź

    Yuriy Сhernets said, April 14, 2013 , 21:29

    The printer is fine equipment , its value is to 1000 zł. As always a good idea to have a document, a receipt where the value is.

sebastian wrote/bath, April 15, 2013 , 21:44

Hi I would like to przewieśc from Ukraine to the car parts you need to have the papers or what pozwoleni

Adam wrote/bath, April 20, 2013 , 13:28

If you can carry the saplings of fruit trees in the garden, I have a friend in Ukraine, I'm going to see him for a few days and take him cfhcę a dozen pieces

    Yuriy Сhernets said, April 20, 2013 , 13:35

    Adam Hi! Personally, I used several pieces of przewoziłem (Ok 3-4) and it was ok. It should be all Ok. How can something please say how it is, It sets for a friend

Adam Jablonski wrote/bath, April 20, 2013 , 13:53

Hello. I'm going soon to Ukraine. A friend asked me to him he brought saplings of fruit trees in the garden. Can I bring to Ukraine several pieces without any problems?

Wioletta wrote/bath, April 26, 2013 , 11:46

Makes me wonder why transport companies do not want to carry a 4 automatic washing machines from Polish to Kiev. Is this some sort of legal involvement ? On the export or import of ? I found out that there are limited to dimensions 40 cm on the palette. Please help.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, April 26, 2013 , 15:11

    If the transport company and takes care of all legally, i.e.. pay all taxes and duty for transported goods is everything has to be ok.
    Why don't you want to? Because either too much with matters dealing with. And if it is transported “privately” It's absolutely not because it is not kalkuluję for some reason carriers.
    In or what if, taxes or to negate the difference price. Out of sheer curiosity, so what is the purpose of the shipment of these washing machines?

Jurek wrote/bath, April 28, 2013 , 08:37

Hello. I dream to buy a motorcycle in Ukraine. Which documents and what do I need to be prepared that I could a motorcycle przewiezsc and in the administrative register. From above thank you for your reply and advice

    Yuriy Сhernets said, May 17, 2013 , 19:05

    Jurku it is quite unknown to me, the case. This case can look just like used cars and bikes from the USA. Therefore, you might want to first look for inwormacji in the Polish Customs

Magda wrote/bath, May 17, 2013 , 13:01

hello 🙂
I have a question, because we drive more people to Ukraine and we want to take our food.. We will try to work out so, that there was more like 2 lbs/os. But if he can meet us some problem? We Assume, that we go by bus, or do I have to inform you that wieziemy food??

    Yuriy Сhernets said, May 17, 2013 , 14:53

    Madzia, You can be calm, constraints are blurry, If you do not do this smuggling everything will be calm:) Keep there is no need to. Where you travel?

Paula wrote/bath, May 17, 2013 , 15:05

We also go on field exercises to Lviv and there came to us. that may be some limits on travel with Polish food;)

    Yuriy Сhernets said, May 17, 2013 , 17:18

    Paula, There would be no limits – smuggling by raged. The common sense will always be ok;)
    A successful trip to Lviv

Magda wrote/bath, May 20, 2013 , 09:05

Yuriy, We have written such a project and we got funding from OIF, We travel to the Region for a few days and then to Bołszowiec (near Halych) and that's where we at the Franciscan Youth Meeting, Maybe snag a “more” about Borderlands.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, May 22, 2013 , 22:25

    Madziu, I invite you if you succeed to Drohobych, I think that I can do a short tour, including to the House of the memory of Bruno Schulz. The road from Region I've heard that there is not at this point:(

Magda wrote/bath, May 21, 2013 , 11:53

I have a question about things like brooms, mops, lotions if you want to carry them to Ukraine.. Just a receipt confirming the value lower as 500 EURO? Should I prepare any other documents? Some local authorities zaświdczenie that we are going to help?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, May 22, 2013 , 22:27

    A document from the authorities as the most! just some official letter, that help in a specific case and invite you to such and such days.

Michal wrote/bath, May 25, 2013 , 09:02

Hello, looks like the situation with the lorries were transported to other parts of the complete cars ?
Pays to clo or something ?
Is it better to exceed the limits for cars?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, May 28, 2013 , 15:53

    Quite a complex question. Full of all automotive parts is a high value, and therefore the duty and perhaps, and even certainly export documents.
    If the entire auto it must surely come back, or be paid customs duty, as a third option might be to give the scrap. But I think that the matter must be examined carefully.

Svarok wrote/bath, May 25, 2013 , 17:15

Welcome To Yuri,
We were invited to lead a seminar on ecological construction. We want to take with you the tools and samples of materials whose value is higher than 1000 euro. Jada 2 os. imagine and 3 children. Can something like this without przewiezc cla?
Thank you very much in advance.

Peter and Audrey

    Yuriy Сhernets said, May 28, 2013 , 16:04

    Hi Peter and Audrey!
    If there is this much I do not know how best to do this.
    Take with you the invitation necessarily official and with APIR.
    It is best to bring all the tools and materials in small quantities, the best tools are used – mainly how the thing is used is treated in most cases as a commodity.
    Possibly, but here I'm not sure-it should be possible to temporarily wwziezienia everything under pain of cross with the back ( It is proposed to then tax equivalence – There is a possibility of cars). In any case, we have approximately 20% the value of 1.000 euros.
    Remember that the value of the things you know only you, Sometimes people are not insiders do not have a clue about this, You can think of something that costs 200 zł.
    Let then know what and how it came out.

Caroline wrote/bath, May 28, 2013 , 15:25

Good morning. I'm leaving for Ukraine and I would like to buy a gold ring. It is known how much gold I play may be moved from Ukraine to the Polish, or how many rings? Please answer quickly.

Matthew wrote/bath, June 12, 2013 , 09:24

Hello, I have a car without any documents brought back from Germany without the sheets without anything. Ukrainian wants to buy , what you need to carry it across borders?

cal wrote/bath, July 07 25, 2013 , 10:25

……good luck

anna Oliver wrote/bath, August 2, 2013 , 12:47

przegladam unknown pages of Ukraine, because I am going on 10 days to encourage Ukraine. trip tomorrow, and meanwhile, I began to wonder if I don't need an international driving licence????
please reply 🙂

juuulek wrote/bath, August 13, 2013 , 14:21

immediately respond to the above: an international driving permit in Ukraine is needed – I'm sorry – though I have heard, that manufacturing of complex it is not
I have the other two questions: as is the case with insurance (the more I'm interested in this car)?
and the purpose of the, in which I write this comment:
If the amount of total count? ie. can I carry both at the same time e.g.. 2 litres of wine and 1 l of vodka, or maybe you will need to select the (or or)?

Magda wrote/bath, August 14, 2013 , 11:26

I can answer your question about alcohol.
You can carry both 5 litres of beer, 2 litres of wine, 1 litres of strong drinks, you don't have to choose one type of.

barbara wrote/bath, August 16, 2013 , 06:51

An international driving permit? Not straszcie. With the EU logo with EN in the middle is not enough? URGENT!

    Yuriy Сhernets said, August 16, 2013 , 18:25

    Should be enough. Rather, I disagree that you need any special driver's license. Polish is absolutely. Ukrainian in Poland are important.

barbara wrote/bath, August 16, 2013 , 06:57

One more thing. We are in Russia. We're going to go back to Polish by Ukraine (We drove by Latvia). Is there a difference? Hmm, a liter of alcohol per head. Three people can carry four bottles of cognac after 0,75 l? Come out for a quart of. Thank you and best regards

Mariusz wrote/bath, August 19, 2013 , 13:41

Hi. I choose to ukraine to your friends,I would like to bring together Polish beer and vodka.How much can I take alkocholu together?

Yuriy Сhernets said, August 19, 2013 , 14:53

I have a feeling that Mariuszu does not read article, everything is clearly written in two sentences.

Mirek wrote/bath, August 19, 2013 , 17:28

Welcome. Tomorrow I am leaving with three people from the Foundation (two people with disabilities) at the invitation of the 1 International Festival of the song of youth with special needs “I believe” to Zhitomir. We travel by car Foundation – I therefore question: in the case of congestion at the border can be treated uniquely and cross the line beyond a? Best regards from Ciechocinek

    Yuriy Сhernets said, August 20, 2013 , 20:26

    Unfortunately, nothing on 100%, I'm sadly disappointed with employees on both sides of the border, I hope that better cases is more. In or what event you might want to explain the situation, I think that succeed. Good luck with the departure!

comet wrote/bath, August 21, 2013 , 12:27

I'm going for a week to Ukraine. Going back would be with me was a citizen of Ukraine visa to Polish. We want to take away his TV, 32 inches, used, bought a year ago. Whether we will pay the duty if it will in part to 300 euro free of duty? We need something for him (Bill?)?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, August 25, 2013 , 10:05

    Hello! If this is used it has to be ok! The TV you want to bring to Ukraine or to Polish? Document – Bill's always good to have.

comet wrote/bath, August 26, 2013 , 08:55

TV and (It turned out) the printer will bring Ukraine to Polish. You need something to declare on the border?

Adam wrote/bath, September 14, 2013 , 11:18

I'm going soon with a friend on Ukraine and I want to give to your friends 2 your used TVs. I have not, unfortunately, receipts, because I already have a few years, but there are good – I don't want to throw them. Together they are worth can with 100-150 euro. If Customs officers can require from me some Ukrainian transfer charges?
In advance thank you for answer.

ania wrote / wa, September 19, 2013 , 12:25

Hi, since the standard for cigarettes per person is 200 PCs I work out very often and this standard 40 PCs per person please reply maybe something has changed and we do not know and further 2 packets within:(

    Yuriy Сhernets said, September 27, 2013 , 15:02

    Anna, thank you – It was old information – zchowała in front of your eyes;) norma is actually 2 package

Luke wrote/bath, September 27, 2013 , 00:29

Hello!I found on the Ukrainian allegro beautiful Elk antlers – I would like to receive them and bring personally to Polish. what conditions do I have to meet to get everything went successfully? Thank you best regards

    Yuriy Сhernets said, September 27, 2013 , 15:04

    I had no contact with the. I think that this must be in the first place with legal hunting elk antlers + documents for the purchase of.

Isabella wrote/bath, October 17, 2013 , 10:48

Hello, is there any portal in English on the law in force in Ukraine? I would like to know how many may be transporting duty used production equipment:eq. machine tools( large).I think their being transported across the border and starting production there( because steel is cheaper there )and transport finished products to Polish. I can not find specific information on this topic. Thank you in advance for any hint of.

Rafal wrote/bath, October 18, 2013 , 18:48


I wanted to bring Ukraine to Polish car with 1954roku. Oczywięcie I have a purchase contract in two languages (Polish-Ukrainian). Whether on the part of the Ukrainian will be any problems? The Duty, excise duty and Vat will be paid according to the rules in force in Poland.

Does anyone else have that knowledge on this subject ? Thanks in advance for your help

SławekK wrote/bath, October 21, 2013 , 18:37

We want to go to Ukraine to the friend of the municipality and drive
im 5 used desktops. Do we need to perform some declarations and pay the duty.
Please hint.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, October 24, 2013 , 18:13

    Hi Sławku! As best as you have a document confirming the fact of donation, What is the important value of these computers and how many people are going.

alibaba wrote/bath, October 25, 2013 , 01:27

I have a friend in Ukraine that has parts for old cars which I wanted to bring to the Polish. Min motor parts and alloy rims.
What is the customs duty when it comes to used parts for cars?

Charles wrote/bath, November 12, 2013 , 12:58

Hello. I have a question about food products. I would like to bring a little of krówkowej, about 20 jars, keczupów, chałw. Is it possible in such quantity that it is better not to?

kondzik wrote/bath, November 18, 2013 , 18:56

Hi I live in Ukraine and I am interested in przewiesc campgrounds with Polish on the ua do not know what papers are needed thanks in advance

ela. EarthLink. wrote/bath, November 22, 2013 , 18:22

Welcome To Yuri. Spring I would like to choose from her husband's own means of transportation to the sanatorium to Truskavets. I do not know what arrangements. How to organize. If you can pouczyc me from where to start?

Yuriy Сhernets said, November 24, 2013 , 17:01

Welcome To Ela!
You need to get an idea of the extent to which health do you want to go, to book accommodation there and treatment. well, this is all rather, refuel your car, take passports and money and move in the way, preferably by Lions, and then his uncle and Truskavets.
As you will need this sanatorium booking I contacts.
Best regards

Andrew wrote/bath, November 29, 2013 , 09:33

leading company manufacturing-trade. I would like to extend the range of my business on the territory of Ukraine. In offices not yet I found out anything. Does anyone with Dear Forum users being able to przybliżyc on how it looks like whether products, What are the rates of, What does that depend on? Alternatively, where you can look for such information?

the gherkin wrote/bath, December 2, 2013 , 19:56

As it is with alcohol?I am going to Georgia this summer (flight from Ukraine, back there,) If I have understood the plane can take only 1 liter strong alcohol?(vodka, Cognac)Best regards

Robert wrote/bath, December 4, 2013 , 20:24

Welcome To Yuri!
I Can See, that widely you this blog, I have a question, do you have any contact details for the company, that is serious and recruit employees to Polish. Working year round with the possibility of a visa extension, (gastronomy) details on mailaPozdrawiam

Coraliina wrote/bath, December 12, 2013 , 00:02

Is there any law that restricts the transportation of perfume from Ukraine to 2 martial arts ?

tomi wrote/bath, December 18, 2013 , 23:44

Hi, I have a question for a couple of days to go to Ukraine for the holidays a friend of Ukrainian origin wanted to disappoint his son spawarkę with the value 2550zł. and weighing 25 kg if it can carry if you will pay the duty we go by car on Polish plates I am writing about this because I know that driving a coach of Ukraine there would be an issue to carry , in advance thank you very much for your reply

Yuriy Сhernets said, December 22, 2013 , 21:58

to the gherkin: 1 Lite – 100% . sometimes flights are more opportunities so that you need to check. I know, that you may only bring in air things on a larger sum.

to Robert – I contacted an email.

to Caroline – in this respect, it is not known, never met with such a restriction – Unfortunately I do not have time to read the documents. But to my understanding you can safely bring your gifts a few pieces.

for Tomi – As to the differences between a coach and a car I don't know. 2000 zl is close to 500Euro so it is a standard. Remember if it is “used” the equipment of its nominal price naturally is lower.

PAWELEK wrote/bath, February 2, 2014 , 19:34

I have a question. Can anyone know if you can bring from Ukraine to the Polish non-ferrous metals(copper, etc).

wojtalawujo wrote/bath, February 3, 2014 , 09:15

Hello. I pytanko. How many liquor and tobacco can carry one person across borders?

Sebastian wrote/bath, February 3, 2014 , 09:57

Dear Yuri

I'm going to carry the TV with a value of less than 300 The Euro and the weight ok 10 kg as a gift on your birthday. Please confirm whether this is in the standards you mention and the content of the article and it is up to date.


Sebastian wrote/bath, February 3, 2014 , 10:04

Source documents not znalałem amounts anywhere 500 Only EUR 200 EUR. Please provide a link to the document if you acknowledge that it is the amount of 500 EUR

PAWELEK wrote/bath, February 3, 2014 , 12:54

I have a question. Can anyone know if you can from the Ukraine to bring copper or other non-ferrous metals?

Marlena wrote/bath, February 9, 2014 , 13:04

I intend to purchase watches in Ukraine with a total (Collector's Edition) Ok. 700 zł. Payment will be made directly to the individual. If I have to count with a customs duty or Vat? Whether the separation of the 2 packages can make a difference?
If the sender has a registry value of the actual?
Thank you in advance for your help

Petro wrote/bath, February 28, 2014 , 12:26

I have a question,how much does it cost to clo on vodka??from Ukraine to Polish??the top dzienkuje,

Sebastian wrote/bath, March 1, 2014 , 10:46

Hi I have a question can I bring from Ukraine to Polish spraying such as score measure grzybobojczy is not toxic as I can in what quantities, and whether I need permission or any other documents in advance thank you

Jeshup wrote/bath, March 2, 2014 , 01:13

Hello. If someone oriętuje whether imports such uniaxial lawn tractor “Wild” you need to oclić? Its about 5tyś. zł. It is an agricultural machine probably, but please help.

innula wrote/bath, April 7, 2014 , 15:06

good morning, how do I przewieżć more iliśc chalwy zUkrainy for an orphanage in Poland?

Bartek wrote/bath, April 19, 2014 , 20:14

Witness service. I have an order to repair machinery in Ukraine. I have a problem. I have to carry a tool whose value exceeds the award 1000 And is it on the car ok 700kg. Or in some other way than the ATA Carnet can I bring and come back with all the necessary equipment.
Many thanks in advance

Natalia wrote/bath, April 24, 2014 , 08:00

Whether the Ukraine I can bring your plants home? For yourself, not for trade, but the dozens or a bit more szczepek. How can I do? Better wracaż from Ukraine, then by train or by bus?

Kola wrote/bath, June 1, 2014 , 06:38

Yuri check please what are the possible dispatch of belongings. So , so there I was wrong , Another friend of mine wants me to perform .
He's going to bring with you , clothing , electronic equipment, part of household equipment, etc. a lot of this will be. Everything is already used, nothing is brand new, is there a recipe called. ,,resettlement,, , do they have the same provisions applicable to 50 kg. and 500 euro?. Because if so, even your entire clothing will not be able to pack in to the car.

Jared wrote/bath, June 20, 2014 , 06:03

Do You(?) Yet this leads forum, because I have a query on a gift for a friend from Drohobych. Whether a gift that can be used mobile phone? If so, whether you are shipping needed some extra paperwork? Please reply (matter of urgency). From above thank you.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, June 20, 2014 , 13:01

    @Jarek: So no problem, If foreign shipping, It should not exceed approximately 200 EUR( in the last months of changes and this amount was higher ).
    If a may is especially irrelevant.
    @Piotr: 500 grams bullion, You may only bring in gold coins/export a maximum of

Peter Mydłowicz wrote/bath, June 20, 2014 , 06:43

Hi I would like to przywiezć from Ukraine a bit of gold. Are there any quantitative limits?

Peter Mydłowicz wrote/bath, June 20, 2014 , 15:34

Hi. 500 I play limit also applies to gold scrap?

Sets wrote/bath, July 07 17, 2014 , 17:03

Hello, I am going tomorrow to the Ukraine and I would like to know if I can bring two cell phones that I use and toaster (of course used)

Kati wrote/bath, July 07 28, 2014 , 13:08

Hello, a year ago I bought the perfume and the limit was, one person can carry 2 perfume bottles.
And here I have a question, If at this point something changed? Now you can shop in stores in border?
Best regards.

Klara wrote/bath, August 13, 2014 , 20:20

Soon I pass by Ukraine to reach Bulgaria. I'm taking with him a lot of personal, in this electronic equipment plus used winter tires, because the Polish go back only at the end of December. Can I set up on the green belt?

Pawel Bienkowski wrote/bath, August 15, 2014 , 13:00

Good day!

I am interested in the issue of the carriage of the old GAS Wolgi 21 (majacek ok. 55 years). I have the opportunity to buy occasionally for money. Who versed, what conditions you need to meet, to safely and efficiently przewiezc the car by Ukrainian borders. I read after the Ukrainian language only, but I want some practical advice, because I know from experience, that sometimes life is practice with paragraphs 19–21… Best regards!

witek wrote/bath, August 23, 2014 , 10:14

Hello. Pick up on Ukraine and I wanted to ask whether the pedestrian crossing I can easily move the potted flower – “Orchid” as a gift for the family? Will it be stopped?

kasiasz wrote/bath, September 9, 2014 , 11:41

Hello, I would like to order over the internet clothes from Ukraine. 2 dresses, can a handbag and jacket. It should not cost more than 1000 hrywien. Please help. How is the supplies from Ukraine? Whether this package can be stopped at the border? can I have any problems?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, September 9, 2014 , 12:41

    kasiasz: so bezporblemowo. It's just that shops in Ukraine not too much shipping abroad they do, so then you agree with them
    witek: everything will be ok with doniczką

Piotr wrote/bath, October 1, 2014 , 12:11

In August 2014 year we crossed the border in the Bieszczady Mountains. We returned from Bulgaria by Ukraine (sightseeing). We had with each other cigarettes taxed Bulgarian (4 package) and after 4 more packages 1 the person taxed Ukrainian (do not doczytaliśmy the provisions we thought that you can 10 packages). By the Polish customs service were treated as criminals. writes it to warn people who think there's something more we can carry. On the other hand, I would like to notice that it is discrimination of people moving by car to those who fly planes (You can 10 packages) – It's discrimination.Best regards

Robert wrote/bath, November 4, 2014 , 11:57

Can Ukraine carry across the border plants (rooted and non-rooted seedling exotic potted plants) in the number of max 20 sachets.? If you need a certificate, plant descriptions?

Andrej wrote/bath, November 16, 2014 , 23:57

I need advice what to export with the au natural products like, products(for example, Sea-buckthorn),herbs and supplements diet etc. We want to drive a car in dwojke but friends (with similar tastes)they would be happy “Pope welcomes liberation from despotism” well..What obnizy does not conceal the cost of excursions. Are there any separate standards/treatment ? If Euro 500 and ok?

AGA wrote/bath, December 7, 2014 , 13:25

Hello, I would like to give a friend in Ukraine honey from a friend beekeeper. If you can carry the Polish Ukraine honey?

Klaudia wrote/bath, December 31, 2014 , 14:28

Hello Yuri 🙂
We're going tomorrow with her husband to Ukraine (the husband is a citizen of Ukraine) and we want for his chrześniaka carry a small Quad (the capacity of the 50 cm3) We bought it in Poland (is used), but not just in case the agreement… Do we have any problems associated with it? It Mentions, Quad that cost us 450 zł.
Best regards

Hubert wrote/bath, January 15, 2015 , 15:55


I need samples of goods wwiesć (footwear) with a total value of less than 1000 euro. Can I do this on the basis of the specifications and do not pay the duty?

Best regards

David wrote/bath, February 13, 2015 , 12:30

With a friend from Ukraine to arrange a collection for children with Slavic (clothes, also used, Food and deserki for babies, milk for children, etc.). What should I know and what problems I encounter on the border of the PL-UA?

Michael wrote/bath, February 16, 2015 , 12:51


I would like to go to the Ukraine with his wife (Ukrainian) and buy appliances, fridge, washing machine, induction hob, oven, microwave. If I had a problem with the powortem to the Polish across borders? I'll have to pay the Vat on these items and the duty?

Waldek wrote/bath, March 12, 2015 , 16:13

I would like to know, where can I find a list of current amounts, customs duties on the border of the płanonych when in the car the goods on Ukraine.
From above we would like to thank you and best regards to all Forum users.

kalbar wrote/bath, March 22, 2015 , 21:12

And I was four hours ago I was treated like a criminal in hrebenne. I've been diverted, because I had a bag of junk in the trunk. Soft drinks bottles and packaging after eating, that consume excessive in the car. In addition, I was taken to the channel of audio and car checking a dog in search of drugs. Some old hens and in uniform had a bad day, because I was very. Sami Customs officers when they were not in her view, marveled with this situation.

Abruzzo wrote/bath, March 26, 2015 , 16:19

Hello, I want to buy a private staircase to order in Lviv. Price about 20000zł.Do I have to pay customs duty? If so, at what price? Or when you purchase a flight of stairs by the Polish company also has the duty? What are the costs of?
Best regards
Marek Arendt

Antos wrote / Votes, May 5, 2015 , 21:01

Hi I do not know if I added because I write again.
Yuri I want to donate a new washing machine brand INDESIT purchased in Poland, the price of 800 PLN weight over 50kg.w June I drove through the Slovak-Ukrainian border in the village Ubl'a Pereczyn.robię first raz.Proszę for advice because I do not want to have trouble on granicy.Pozdrawiam.

Michael wrote/bath, May 13, 2015 , 22:48

Hello, I'm going with his wife – a citizen of Ukraine, I-com to her family, My question is a little nietpowe – I have used wwiesc hammer – in value 2008 of around 2500zł – for their own purposes – help with building a house – for the week 🙂 need to make holes for bateryje 😛
I have a gift for the brta zone drill values 300 zł.
whether 500 euro counts per person or per vehicle.
I have the invoice in the 2008 year bought chipping hammer, I also have a receipt for the drill bought as a gift.
If the hammer impact wrench may be an issue ?

OLA wrote/bath, May 17, 2015 , 14:04

Hi I have a question I am either Ukraine i live and work in Poland, I have a stay as long as I can przewiesc cash from Ukraine that I wanted to pay to the Bank or do I have to pay tax from above thank you and greet.

Yuriy Сhernets said, May 17, 2015 , 14:37

David, I have heard that there is, virtually the same as export goods, You may already be something improved.
Kalbar, apparently were his reasons, but unfortunately not dearly beloved people work at the border. Can a bag with śmiećmi is suspect.
Ambruzzo, I have no idea, but rather.
Antony, If the item does not exceed the value 500 the euro and the unit is this all has to be ok.
Michael, 1) counts per person. 2) for the most part it comes to new hardware – as such it is regarded as a commodity.
3) Personal effects – in most of the things used with which uses.
OLA, There are currently, 10 000 euro without notification, above I do not know what happens, you need to ask at the border.

David wrote/bath, June 14, 2015 , 09:24

How many cans of black caviar (m = 112 gram)You can carry from Ukraine to Polish?!?
Best regards,

RAPHAEL wrote/bath, June 15, 2015 , 14:17

Hi, I am going to Ukraine in August, I wanted to ask you how it looks like a case of introduction to the UA metal detector, I am a hobbyist and i wanted a nice use of time spent at the side of my wife. worth detector above 500 Euro.

Przemek wrote/bath, August 26, 2015 , 21:19

I would like to know, where can I find a list of current amounts, customs duties on the border of the płanonych when in the car the goods on Ukraine.
From above we would like to thank you and best regards to all Forum users

norb44 wrote/bath, September 1, 2015 , 16:26

Hello. Plans to open abroad (within the EU) slodyczami shop. I would like to know if the software vendor could przewiezc from Ukraine to the EU of sweets. Do I need to have some permissions, I do not know, on the company, spolke ? Please though the smallest pointing to situations. Thank you and best regards.

Chris wrote/bath, September 3, 2015 , 21:49

Hi, I wanted to buy the antlers of a deer . How is that legal . how much can I expect to see the duty , If such will be . Thanks in advance for odp

Marek wrote/bath, October 6, 2015 , 13:04

Welcome,My question concerns the carriage of so-called,belongings. that is my apartment equipment (furniture,motorcycle appliances etc) I'm already a year after his marriage to a citizen of Ukraine,We live in Lviv,I already have a visa for the annual. It is known that it will be heavier as 50 kg. I want to carry your bus on time will not fit. What in this case? What rules do I rely on the border? greet

Tomasz wrote/MiG, October 8, 2015 , 23:00

Hello. I would like to buy Italian walnut tone on Ukraine and carry it to the Polish. How the case looks with this situation ?

Krzysztof wrote/bath, October 16, 2015 , 21:19

The question was similar,but there was no concrete answer. Whether selling auto in Ukraine,What documents do I need to have(possibly present at the border)to avoid problems when returning by bus? Is it worth the żądąć license plates from a citizen of Ukraine if he is planning this car on the demolition of the?

Michael Lenarciak wrote/bath, October 18, 2015 , 08:59

I am interested in,does anyone have experience in how to
przewieżć by grancę to the Polish Ukraine purchased new or used farm equipment-specifically the rotovator/a value ok. 1000Euro weight ok 220 kg/. If there are existing laws in this regard, the Ukrainian side-not to be dependent on embarrassing łapówkarskie a meeting with the tax collectors,from the top of the b. thank you and greet

Caroline wrote/bath, October 29, 2015 , 10:03

Good morning,
I have a question. Our company carries out repair of the engine in the Ukraine. We carry cleaning supplies necessary for the work of the service, i.e. for example.:
Do we need to do any special documents or we can carry home without anything to luck or a few pennies can settle the matter here:)Please urgent reply if someone knows something:)

Agnes wrote/was, November 29, 2015 , 19:44

Good morning,
This Christmas I plan to take the bus to Lviv, to your friends. I have a 16 years, and I'm going to go unaccompanied. Do I need written parental consent, is it at all possible?

King wrote/bathrooms, December 28, 2015 , 19:49

Hello, man question: I would like to bring home with her fiance to Polish new appliances (oven, induction hob, eaves) bought in a store in Lviv and the materials needed to repair and finish flat (the tiles, adhesives, fugues, the lamp, etc.). Whether on the border we will have to pay the duty or some other tax? The value of the total purchases will be higher than 500 euros per person. Thank you in advance for your reply and greet King

Alex wrote/was, January 5, 2016 , 11:42

Hello, przegladalam different pages and not found anything on them wise and worth uwadi only here. Although I do not know how it relates to bed.
Somewhere around April I intend to go to Grandma's House, and as we know in the Ukraine there are different conditions for life and prices. I decided, so Grandma's new zafundowac because its already odsłużyło. The value of such beds is lets say 500 with mattress. Whether the high duty will be charged? And those long beams also probably in may, some impact? Is there any chance to have succeeded without them carry beb any additional fees?
Best regards

Monika wrote/bathrooms, March 1, 2016 , 21:11

Hello. If these limits (eq. alcohol) both refer to the carriage from Ukraine to Polish and Polish to Ukraine, If there are any differences in this respect? Best regards.

Natalia Konik wrote/was, March 3, 2016 , 12:14

At the point of 3 the shipments to the 300euro – Here is talking about 1 the art of? Because I'd like przewiezc goods [wooden boxes] about the value of the total ok /-1000euro, by weight +/- 150kg or if the goods and zapakowałabym in several smaller packages it will pass this or if only some courier would have to be found? Skipping that fact, the longer I searched everything and there's no courier circulates in the Ukraine-Poland [ 2GA the page but are from Ukraine to Pl NIC]. Advised me the carriage by train-but the amount of things and train ? I do not know how to fix it. A hint of ?

Yuriy Сhernets said, March 3, 2016 , 12:44

Monika, so they work in two directions
Natalia, currently that amount is 150 euro (changes!), If on the same day to the Customs point arrives more parcels to their total value does not exceed the 150euro, everything above the calculated tax (a total of approximately between 30-40%).If the package will come in succession, and there will be no on the same name and address and the amount is below 150 This additional fee will not be. Please note, that the amount of 150 may be included in the value of the services if such is.

suloco wrote/was, April 10, 2016 , 19:23

What is the amount of tax on textile materials imported into Ukraine or, Alternatively, where to find information about these rates ? What are the rates of customs duty ( where can I find them ) .What auto parts or documents are needed ( where can I find patterns) ? sources may be in Ukrainian 🙂

Michael wrote/bath, April 26, 2016 , 15:29

Hello, I was directed here by a friend, in July / August I will be leaving for a friend who builds a house in Ukraine is it possible that I could bring some new equipment and household appliances just for him back home (at us strangely cheaper) transportation of your own car with the trailer commodity will not exceed 5000 euro, what are the possible duties and charges for such goods ? Thanks in advance for your answer 🙂

    Yuriy Сhernets said, April 26, 2016 , 15:52

    Hello! For such a large amount will most likely be charged duty and tax. About 30-40% value if everything will be transported by 1 once.

Michael wrote/bath, April 26, 2016 , 17:12

That is, with no fee and duties do I carry only new equipment for 500 the euro, for example tv ?

tuner440 wrote / Votes, June 5, 2016 , 23:46

A hundred questions and answers…And my question with another barrel: are there any restrictions if I want to buy, say, 10 akordeonow in Ukraine and bring it to US?

Piotr wrote/bath, June 19, 2016 , 01:41

Hello. Looks like a case of car sales in Ukraine?
Any fees or additional documents? As with arrays?

Piotr wrote/bath, June 25, 2016 , 00:45

How much money can I load across the borders?

Asia wrote/was, July 07 1, 2016 , 19:19

Hello, planning a trip to Ukraine for 2 weeks, He wants to take the rabbit lamb thumbnail, whether what documents are needed or a passport for a pet, Jade so for recreational purposes. Please reply fast.

New year's Eve wrote/was, July 07 23, 2016 , 05:48

Good day
Wants to transit through Ukraine przewiez 10 summer heaters AS used as a darowizne from the Polish Organization for the Polish Polish organisations in Russia
I have with each other just signed by the President of the Polish organization DAROWIZNE 3 PC total weight 80 kg value 0.00 zl.
Or PL-UA border then UA-RU border will not be with this commodity problems?
Thank you for the fast reply

Bartek (D). wrote/bath, August 11, 2016 , 22:34

Good evening. Case is very important to me. Is it possible to buy and legally carry pre-war Polish records from Ukraine to Polish? If there are problems with them, and high fees at the border? Thank you in advance

Mazur Eugen wrote/was, September 7, 2016 , 22:09

Good morning. I wanted to ask whether you can carry over the border flowers in a pot?

Grazyna wrote Regiewicz / Votes, September 20, 2016 , 16:52

Good morning. If anyone knows whether I can easily go with a guitar? I am looking for the answer to this question everywhere, but I cannot find it 🙁

Kamil wrote / Votes, October 9, 2016 , 10:20

hello someone realizes that I can easily transport a bicycle who used the account niemam , gift for my girlfriend's daughter ?

Raphael wrote/bathrooms, October 13, 2016 , 17:18

Hello. On Saturday I go with my wife to Lviv, Ukraine will spend less than 24 hours. Will I have to pay duty on alcohol transported from Ukraine located within (a few beers, wine)? If so, what are the approximate costs?

MEFO wrote / Votes, November 2, 2016 , 09:46

Hi, I have a question familiar from Ukraine asked me to bring him 4 geese to live with his Polish culture . Is it possible ?

Andre wrote / Votes, December 9, 2016 , 23:07

I crossed their border Polish – Ukrainian in Medyka 27.11.2016 car without problems, Note, however, that as we have a car registered as truck/Grill/pogranicznikowi the Ukrainian/soldier card issuing/must be reported as truck/sticky note with APIR, and when in raubling drive up on the page was Ukrainian and vice versa set on the Red Lane – how busy/especial on a trip from Ukraine ,Besides, there are other problems beyond the time when returning to the Polish/slows down page Poland/

Patrick wrote/was, May 12, 2017 , 18:12

Hello,or across the border with the Ukraine be carried metal detector?

Antoni wrote/was, July 07 18, 2017 , 04:35

Hi I have a ford mondeo auto combo bed registered as auto trucks. I went without any problems so far by Ubla. Last time you told the Ukrainian told me that I have no fees for auto truck. Please Yuri write what fees I have made and where I no problems could cross the border. Best regards.

Podróżoholik wrote/was, July 07 20, 2017 , 11:24

Hello, and how it looks like a case of tourism with a knife or shovel (This is the 5 in 1, in this small siekierka)

He wrote ent / Votes, August 23, 2017 , 10:32

On either side there is no information on the transport of medicinal herbs purchased at the bazaar – labeled sealed containers. Has any provision governs it ?

kjk wrote / Votes, August 31, 2017 , 11:31

How looks imports of articles has the purpose of apiculture from Ukraine to Polish? Ukraine plans to go on there and buy honeybee comb foundations. How many kg of the snakes I can bring to the Polish bee? When buying honey extraction device such values ​​in Ukraine 800 zł I have to pay duty, etc?

Guteek wrote / Votes, September 16, 2017 , 20:28

Hello, I have a question. Whether a minor can go to Ukraine with a person from outside the family with parental consent?

Don wrote/bath, November 16, 2017 , 14:32

Do you carry across the border drug FOR BA?

Wladyslaw wrote / Votes, November 25, 2017 , 20:11

Hello. Do you have info. How can that Saba have new tires. I want to buy and we have a new fail. Can you set 4opony .now. Thank you greetings.

Sandra wrote / Votes, February 18, 2018 , 20:53

From Ukraine to Polish can be moved only 40sztuk cigarettes? What can they do when customs officers at one person will find for example the entire barbell?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, February 20, 2018 , 10:30

    This is the smuggling and the consequences may be appropriate ( konfiskacja and the possible mandate)

Vados wrote / Votes, February 27, 2018 , 18:30

Dzen good as can be boiled down to engine overhaul Polish?

Panim wrote / Votes, March 26, 2018 , 14:47

A minor may go to Ukraine with a person from outside the family with parental consent, but you need permission from both parents and notarized power of attorney.

Ewelina wrote / Votes, April 16, 2018 , 11:55

Good morning,

please kindly information about how honey could bring Ukraine to the Polish duty and formalities. I read, that now is 500 litres. Nowhere I can not confirm this. In advance thank you for answer. Best regards

Elizabeth wrote / Votes, April 16, 2018 , 18:42

Witam.Jaką of clothes, shoes, food can be transported to Ukraine. Can I send parcels to those provisions and which are associated with costs.

Artur wrote/MiG, May 1, 2018 , 14:18

Hello, soon I am going to Ukraine. I need to take antiepileptics. Lacosamide and benzodiazepines. Do not be a problem with their hoisting the territory of that State?

Tomek wrote / Votes, December 23, 2018 , 19:59

Hello. I would start to trade clothes with Ukraine. I already have supplier, the only question is whether, if the value of the contract is less than 500euro do not have to pay duty? And as the tax in that case? Do you have to pay it? Best regards

Yuriy Сhernets said, February 21, 2019 , 20:41

Best to find out how imports to the EU from the AU because you need to follow up to date information on this issue

Dorothy wrote / Votes, February 27, 2019 , 17:53

Hello. I need transport from Ukraine to Polish several sets of paintball (carabiners,masks and costumes)what are the laws and charges? Thank you

Wiber wrote / Votes, June 19, 2019 , 11:42

I'm going to Lviv with his wife in his car to discover the city and to bring Polish Tandyr (mini-oven heating unit to the grill and skewers) which he bought for me familiar with the Lviv. The total cost of this Tandyr 240 EURO.
Can I carry no charge, etc.????

Zbyszek wrote / Votes, July 07 16, 2019 , 20:46

Hello I want to carry on with the Polish Ukraine used children's bike as a gift what are the rules and fees.

Zbyszek wrote / Votes, December 22, 2019 , 20:54

As can be used to transport a tractor Potato planter value of about. 500zł.Jakie are the fees and documents.

Piotr wrote/bath, January 27, 2020 , 21:44

I have a one pytanko
We're going on a trip in May quad to Ukraine for several days
My question is, what documents do I need to bring an ATV on the trailer for the car I would add that all pojazy are registered and insured with technical studies
Unfortunately, someone told me that one driver of one vehicle A s borders to our place of residence is still 120 km so far little quad wheels
Please advice
Best regards

Arek wrote/bath, January 1, 2021 , 12:03


I would like to bring used furniture to my friends, because you can buy it cheaply and in good condition. There are some restrictions on this topic and what kind of documents I would have to transport.

Best regards



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