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- Read: 7,947 / Articles, Municipalities / LUTSK : THE PEARL OF VOLYN
Lutsk city is the capital of Volyn oblast, Ukraine. The Inhabitants Of - 218 k. Located on the River Styr River. Important railway station. The city was founded in the year 1085. The first written mention of the settlement dates from the ancient Chronicles of the Ipatija. However, according to historical sources, Christianity comes faster here than to Kiev, -from the Moravian Principality, so the town was founded in the eighth century.
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CATEGORY OF ARTICLE: Articles, Municipalities February 18, 2013, 14:19
The history of the city Lutsk
Lutsk city in Ukraine, the capital of the Volyn region. The Inhabitants Of – 218 k. Located on the River Styr River. Important railway station. The city was founded in the year 1085. The first written mention of the settlement dates from the ancient Chronicles of the Ipatija. However, according to historical sources, Christianity comes faster here than to Kiev, -from the Moravian Principality, so the town was founded in the eighth century.
From the middle of the 12th century Lutsk was one of the greatest cities of Galicia-Volyn principality. In 1340 Volyn Lithuanian przychwytują claim. Then the throne Prince Liubart played rises, the youngest son of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gedemina.
Year 1429 the city was a remarkable, because since that time the city existed on the European map. This is done soon after the monarchs in European countries, take (decide) zbolały policy questions this time, in particular, questions of Defense.
In 1569 After the Union of Lublin, Lutsk goes to Polish, becomes the center of Volyn. In 1795 as a result of the third partition of the Polish goes to Russia.
Between 1921-1939 again, in the composition of the Polish. Since 1939 enters the composition of Ukraine.
Territorial location of the city was very convenient, It was located at the intersection of two of the most important commercial directions-the West and the Baltic Sea. According to the determinants of Lutsk becomes wielokulturalnym and by city. This is evidenced by the many architectural monuments of different religious temples. Volyn has always been interesting for Austro-Hungarians, Poles, Russians, The Lithuanians, who also have joined to form the modern culture of the city. Inherent significant moment in the history of the city was the night of the Soviet Union, before a good Ukrainian Independence.
Historical-architectural reserve of the year 1970 turns on Shrove Tuesday Upper (XII-XVI. ) and the lower (XIV-XVI century. ) the Castle "Puzyny" (The 14th century.), Jesuit College and the Church of Petra and Paula (1616-1640, converted in the 18th century) Pokrovskaya Line (The 15th century.), Chresto-Wozdwyżynska (1620) Orthodox Church, Bernardine monastery (The seventeenth century.) and the synagogue (1626-1629).
It is also worth to emphasize that from the Lutsk connects to the poet's Bratkowskiego Green activities, Education krzewiciela Petra Mogyły, the writer and poet of Ukraine distinguished Kulisza Panteleimona LESI Ukrainky str.
There are quite a few versions of the origin of the city. Some of them maintain historians, some live in communications as well as legends. Interesting, that some versions of the straight one arise, on the other. For example, According to one theory, the name of the town comes from the name of the Town of its founder-leader of the Dulibskiego Arches, other-the name of the town comes from the Łuczan tribe, that, in turn, are derived from the Dulibów and their leaders Bows.
The first version of a very old settlement Łuczan occupied only a small triangular promontory between the rivers thus providing Styr River and Little Głuszeć (There is currently no), where now stands the castle of Łuck. During the ancient Rus in the area was an ancient settlement in place, which after some time was built the fortress. So according to the first version of the name of the town comes from the leaders of the Dulibskiego Arches. The name leads the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Porfyrodnyj, who wrote that Luke has put on over at Styrem their huts, He founded the city ". Was he started shaping of Lutsk, as a city.
According to the other version the name of the town comes from the name of the tribe Łuczan. Some historians believe, that could be the hotbed of Lutsk Łuczan, others think, It is not true, because of this tribe nobody mentions in “The novel of past years” Nestor the chronicler.
Really we can't find memories in “The Novel” about Łuczanach, but the recollection of the tribe Lutyczów.
Quite possible, that the Lutyczów tribe was embedded to the East of the Vistula River, on the Volyn. So the name plemnia Lutyczów is the name of a tribe-Luczesk. After some time, this name becomes Lutsk.
The third version, is the legend about the name pastuchu Lutsk. That was once in the River Styr River this boy zasmołowaną barrel, found in the middle of a document on the establishment of. Since then, the city is called-Lutsk.
Next, the fourth version is, that the settlement got its name from the word bow, that is, from small arms. Because the local inhabitants used these weapons to defend themselves against their enemies, hiding in the old bouncing off attacks using this weapon, Therefore, they called their Łuczany, and the city – Lutsk.
But anyway, most spread version is the one in which he says that the city is Lutsk, in fact the River Styr River, Turning arc omywa in from the East, The South and central part of the West.
Interesting places in Lutsk
Castle of łuck
Is a symbol of the city, its main monument, and pride. It was built in the 14th century, the Lithuanian Prince Lubartem, who married a local Princess and accepted the Orthodox faith, the castle was chosen in the quality of the Princely House. In the Chronicle mentions for the first time in the year 1075., When he was already a unique fortification system point, that wytrwał 6 -monthly siege of Bolesław I the brave. Castle built over more than forty years.
The Castle housed the courts of various types of, which occupied with city and province. In a time in the territory of the Castle worked Special Court – the Court of Łuck, who acted in several provinces.
- Luck Castle 6
- Luck Castle 5
- Luck Castle 41
- Luck Castle 3
- Luck Castle 2
- Luck Castle 11
In the 18th century the Castle begins to lose its functions, in connection with the transformation of public Common Thing society.
In the 19th century, Volyn annexed by Russia, The upper lock ceases to exist. The ruins were only, which is on the border of the 19TH-century ХХ are prevented by law. During the XXTH century, the castle was renovated and now operates as a Museum.
St. John's Cathedral. the Apostles Peter and Paul in Lutsk
St. John's Cathedral. the Apostles Peter and Paul in Lutsk is a Roman Catholic Cathedral open. Built between 1616-1639, According to the design of architect Jakobo Briano, as the Church of the Jesuits monastery.
In 1773 in connection with the winding-up of the Jesuit church and College passed to the Commission of the China education, and the Cathedral after the fire the Church year 1781 at the request of the Lutsk władyki Felix Turski moves Bishop Cathedral Catholic.
At that time, shall be carried out under the direction of work repairs, construction architect Yuri Umińskiego, as a result, the front and the Interior acquires a new stylistic features. Sumiaste interior is decorated with stucco, rzeźbiarstwem, as well as the planned work of the Wiliani and Pragtalia.
Under the Church are the walkout, arranged in several levels.
Festivals in Lutsk
Open night at the Castle
Each year on the territory of the castle of Liubart (in the summer of) in the open night Łuczanie and other city guests can watch knights fight, medieval entertainment and refreshments drinks and medieval cuisine.
Traditionally work fairs and folk creativity champions all sorts of workshops, involving close to 200 artists of different genres from Ukraine, Polish and Belarus. From 20-to 5 early , to the participants in a waiting very interesting fiery performances, the trip consists of the old Lutsk, concerts of medieval and contemporary music.
Also a lot of interesting for themselves will find holiday participants. Guests of the Festival traditionally can overnight visit exhibitions in museums, take part in theatrical tours, walk through the nightclub city.
Flare Fat Festival
Each year in Lutsk flare fat lovers Festival “With love to the flare fat”, for those, who love and honor Ukrainian caul.
For such a short period of time, the Festival already has established multiple records, that hit in “The book of records of Ukraine” and “Paper records Guinnesa”. The largest sandwich in the world – “Ukrainian Salburger” was made in the folk Club “Maidan”. The total area reached almost 25 square meters, It consisted of more than 2500 sandwiches. Then they were free of charge and residents dealt with Lutsk, and part of the giant Salburgera was brought to the sick to one of the city hospitals.
The Festival is also holds the Ukrainian book of records, is the largest in the world with flare fat sandwich(76 m), the world's first monument of Sadłu and the pig. Well established world record of speed eating flare fat, 1 kilo flare fat (10 minutes 55 seconds), the largest in the world with futbolówka flare fat (diameter of more than 6 meters and weight of more than 400 kilo).
You can view the video on the site
Accommodation in Lutsk
Below you can find and compare hotels and hostels in Lutsk
Useful guide after Lutsk intoxicated
A list of the best cafes. Please go into, in the nieniezwykłą atmosphere of journeys in these centers of high culture and spirituality.
Definitely recommend visiting these places in Lutsk:
- “Земан” Винниченка, 69 (beer bar, recommend, the local brewery)
- “Золотий дракон”, Ветеранів 1а (recommend)
- “Кава-клуб” вул Кривий Вал, 26а (recommend)
- “Капрі” Винниченка, 2 (Centre)
- “Квартал” Волі пр, 10 (Centre)
- “Корона Вітовта” вул Плитниці, 1 (Centre, old town, next to the Castle, recommend!!!!!)
- “Lancelot” OL Revival, 5а (recommend)
- “Square”, Street Striker, 2 (pub, recommend)
- “Rose” Cafe, Will (Centre)
- “El Salvador” the street;, 24 (Centre)
- “Sanremo” Волі пр,48 (Centre)
- “Snowflake”, Will 8 and (Centre)
- “Nikolai” вул. Krylova (Centre)
- “Celentano”, Will, 9 (Centre, pizza)

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